2048 Mania

2048 Mania works in a spirit of respect for the privacy of all users visiting the website. When users visit the site and search for information, some data will be used to better serve the experience. So 2048 Mania wants to inform you all about how we collect and will use your personal data. 2048 Mania recommends that you read this privacy policy fully to ensure its privacy.

Privacy Principles.

2048 Mania commits to use personally identifiable information that users provide in a true, close and respectable way to the trust that the user has given us.

Users have the right to find out information about how 2048 Mania uses the information. We are committed to always being clear about the data that 2048 Mania has collected.

If you have any concerns about how 2048 Mania uses your personal information, 2048 Mania is willing to work together to quickly address those concerns.

2048 Mania will take all reasonable steps to protect your information and is responsible for the security of that information.

2048 Mania complies with all applicable data protection laws and regulations and will cooperate with data protection agencies. Without data protection laws, 2048 Mania will act on widely recognized principles of data protection.

Privacy Policy at 2048 Mania

1. Special Notice – if user is under 13 years old

2048 Mania is not aimed at children under the age of 13 and we do not collect, use, provide or treat in any way any personal information of children under the age of 13.

We also ask that you, if you are under the age of 13, please do not send us your personal information (for example, your name, address, email address). If you are under the age of 13 and you still want to ask questions or use this website which asks you to submit your personal information, let your parent or guardian do so on your behalf.

2. Information that 2048 Mania collects

2048 Mania does not collect the user’s login information

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